International Conference on Technology for Participation and Accessible eGovernment Services

The T4P Conference

The International Conference on Technology for Participation and Accessible eGovernment Services. The main topics of the conference will be eInclusion, eGovernment and the challenges in making eGovernment services accessible and usable for all citizens. The conference will be cross-disciplinary and will cover technological, legal, financial and sociological aspects of eGovernment.

The T4P’07 conference will bring together government representatives, business, researchers, and students to Kristiansand June 25-27, 2007. T4P’07 is planned to be an open forum with time set aside for panels and discussions. The conference is hosted by the Agder University College, Kristiansand, Norway, and will be organized in a collaboration with the European Internet Accessibility Observatory (EIAO) project in collaboration with NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS.

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